Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tearney and Stanley Wedding Baltimore, MD

On a brisk snowy October day in Baltimore, MD we had the opportunity to "capture" the love of Tearney and Stanley Holmes, along with Gary Gibson of Gallery Photo and Imaging, as they exchanged vows at Set the Captives Free Outreach Center.

As we watched Tearney and Stanley spin playfully on the dance floor one thing occurred to me...  As we search for a mate, it is better to wait on God to choose for us.  It has become abundantly clear that God will always choose a better mate for you than you could  possibly choose for yourself.  This can be seen in the love shared between Tearney and Stanley. They put God first in their lives and waited on Him to bring them together. With God, you cannot fail.

Tearney and Stanley, it was a great pleasure documenting your day.  Thank you for granting us this special privilege.  May God bless you and your marriage for all of your days.

You can see the rest Of Gary Gibson's amazing images here! Enjoy

Janna and Staci



Event Planner - Stephanie Grayson of Graceful Elegance

Make-up- Qiana Bannister

Venues - Set the Captives Free Outreach Center and The Forum Caterers

Photography Principal Shooters -  Gary Gibson of Gallery Photo and Imaging

Photography Second Shooter - Elizabeth Lynn Photography

Floral Design - Judy Overman of Flowers by Judy

Videographer - Jay Mcleod and Lee Mcleod of Videoscapes

Monday, November 7, 2011

Silver Spring, Maryland Anniversary Party - Newlywed Inspiration

As wedding photographers, so much of our focus is on the very first day of the marriage. We're completely enamored by wedding day details (rings, flowers, cakes, dresses, shoes).  If we had an infinite amount of time, there's no limit to how creative we could get in capturing our brides primping and prepping and capturing every magical moment of them stepping into their wedding dress.  The exchanging of the vows so poignant, that it transports us back to that very day we exchanged vows with our own beaus.  And even as we're nearing exhaustion, there's nothing quite as fun as the celebratory vibe of a great wedding reception.
BUT...every now and then...every so often... (even for the brides-to-be who are still in the planning phase) it helps to remember the remember there's life (i.e. a roller coaster ride) after the wedding remember THE COVENANT- "for better or for worse...til death do us sickness and health" (we don't want to call anybody out, Kim Kardashian, but we're just sayin'...).

We had the pleasure and the honor of shooting the surprise anniversary party of a beautiful (and I do mean beautiful...check out the purple dress below) couple that epitomizes "the goal" and the covenant of marriage, and they've got the 50 years experience to prove it.  That's right...50 years of marriage.  50 years may seem unobtainable, but then you meet James and Eudelle Bolden and you're all of a sudden inspired.

You'll see below that this party was complete! Guests of honor who were completely surprised, lots of friends and family who came from far and wide including groomsmen and bridesmaids from their wedding party, and beautiful liturgical dance tribute to Eudelle  who LOVES to dance and directs in her church's dance ministry.

The love of James and Eudelle permeated the place and it reminds us that although marriage is a difficult journey, it is obtainable and it can be ours.  Who wouldn't want that? After all, there is nothing sweeter than lasting love.


Janna and Staci