Hi, All!
WE'RE BACK!!!! It's been a long time since we posted, but that doesn't mean we haven't been hard at work! On the contrary...we've been meeting and photographing more wonderful couples. However, we took a slight detour with respect to our web presence. We initially decided to share our photos on Facebook in lieu of the blog. We did this for a while, and while we love how it affords us the opportunity to communicate (comment, "Like", message) with our couples, our fans, in real-time, we realized that many of our biggest supporters might not be on Facebook (ugh um!!![coughing]...Mom). Also, many people will find us via the web site/blog before they will see us on Facebook. So, anyway, we're back. Yay!!!!!
Now, let's get down to the fun stuff...
I think we're beginning to sound like a broken record when we rave about how our couples have been so wonderful, but it simply is true.
On a blazing Saturday afternoon in a penthouse suite overlooking the Baltimore Harbor, Kim and Paul were just hours of away from saying "I do". This Saturday was a little different, though. There was Kim. There was Paul and there was perfect calm. Calm? I mean... a wedding day isn't a wedding day if it's not replete with chaos, a bunch of giddy bridesmaids and hundreds of joyful guests, right? WRONG...We learned that there is much to be said about the beauty of a simple, timeless, intimate wedding, and if you know Kim and Paul, you know they are the epitome of simple, beautiful/handsome and timeless. Kim...Well, Kim has an attitude...an attitude of "I'm too blessed to be stressed". (We could take a queue from her). She is beautiful. She is elegant but fun. She is classy but down-to-earth. Oh and did we mention, she's an avid Red Skin's fan? Paul is a handsome, "man's man". He's straight and to the point, but yet, he's a true, true gentleman and class act. He's a cowboy's fan.
Now how this Red Skins fan and Cowboy fan ended up meeting and hitting it off while watching the game at a mutual friend's home is beyond us :), but on Saturday, June 23, 2012 at 7:00pm, we and about 40 or so of their closest friends were just grateful they did.
Kim and Paul, once again, we'd like to thank you for allowing us to document your wedding day. Because we know that your wedding day was reserved for your most cherished friends and family, we consider it a privileged and an honor to have been a part. You are a beautiful couple, deserving of nothing less than the best of God's blessings and favor.
We love you,
Staci and Janna
DJ – Morgan Williams-MorganWilliamsDJ@hotmail.com
Photography – Elizabeth Lynn Photography – http://www.elizabethlynnphotography.com/blog
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